Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WWW Wednesday (1)

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…


• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading? I picked up Beautiful Creatures yesterday. My best friend wants to see the movie and I have a distinct policy of finishing the book before I see the movie for these book-to-movie films. So far I'm not especially enjoying this book. The story seems fantastic, the writing mediocre. I think that more than anything it's just a letdown after my most recent finish.

What did you recently finish reading? My most recent finish (the phenomenal book mentioned above) is Warm Bodies. I haven't reviewed it yet, but to put it mildly, this is one of the best books that I've read in a very long time, and it's highly recommended. It couldn't last long enough for me! I watched the movie last night and thought that the movie was so-so by comparison. Definitely a must-read, even if you don't enjoy zombie fiction!

What do you think you’ll read next?
I'm really not sure. There are several options on my shelf right now. I'm thinking about reading Catching Fire (for the third time) or The Horse Whisperer (for the second). I feel like I ought to get through Catching Fire to be honest with you, since that gives me the chance to get through reviews of all three books in the trilogy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Teaser Tuesday (2)

I just finished reading Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. It was an absolutely fantastic book, and I have several quotes from the book on my Tumblr blog, but none of them have page numbers associated with them and since I was reading in paperback and not on my Kindle, it's terribly difficult to dig them out of the book.

For that reason, I'm going to leave you with a quote from the book I'm currently reading, which is Beautiful Creatures, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

Here is my quote for this week. It's right at the beginning due to the fact that I only just started reading, and I'd hate to read ahead too far. This is from page 15.

"Because I was smart, I got good grades on my papers; because Link was stupid, he got bad ones. I guess nobody bothered to read them. Sometimes I wrote random stuff in essays, just to see if my teachers would say anything. No one ever did."

While I'm in here writing, I wanted to say that I did go to see Warm Bodies at the theater tonight. I was terribly disappointed with the telling of the story. It had all the humor but absolutely none of the poignancy that the book had. Good movie, but it has nothing on the book!

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Monday: What Are You Reading (2)

Alrighty, so I haven't been doing as much blogging here as I should be, since I've been doing a lot of my stuff over on Tumblr. I don't do much writing there though and I feel like I ought to be putting some kind of effort into talking about the books that I read. I'm reviewing most of them on Hubpages, so before I do anything else, let me update you on my status since the last time that I posted here.

I read and reviewed Safe Haven and The Hunger Games. I've tried to review both books with a critical eye, even though I've read The Hunger Games three times now and I've loved it every single time that I've read it.

If you've been following, I hated Save Haven. You can see my review on Hubpages by clicking the link above and seeing what I think.

So anyway, all of that being said, I finished reading Warm Bodies, by Isaac Marion. I haven't had a chance to review it yet (I'm actually quite sick and am having a hard time just putting my fingers to the keyboard to write this blog post) but I wanted to leave you with my favorite quote from the book.

“I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I’m drowning in ellipses."

I rate it five stars and highly recommend this book. I'll have more to say about it when I've had a chance to rest up and feel better.

Onward! I'm reading Beautiful Creatures next!